• Chemistry and Materials
  • Health and Nutrition

The perinatal period and toxic risks (PERITOX)

Research unit - UMR-I INERIS 01


PeriTOX - the first joint university-INERIS research unit – comprises around 50 members: faculty staff,
clinical lecturers, INERIS staff researchers, postdocs, and PhD students.

The unit synergises human and technical resources and complementary, interdisciplinary skills in physiology, biology, toxicology, paediatrics, gynaecology, endocrinology and gastroenterology, in order to study the effects of toxic agents and the physical environment on child health.

The scientific challenge of the PériTox Unit is to study the impacts of environmental factors during perinatal exposures on the health of the newborn and child, in particular on the physiological functions involved in maintaining the energy balance, essential for the child’s survival and health. Impacts on fertility are also considered. This challenge is related to the concept of the developmental origin of health and pathology (DOHaD, Developmental Origin of Health and Disease) and exposome.


  • Véronique BACH
  • Emmanuelle BOYELDIEU
  • Karen CHARDON
    Deputy director
  • Céline BROCHOT
    Deputy director


Avenue René Laënnec
80054 Amiens Cedex 1


The perinatal period and toxic risks


Effectif total : 56

Personnel de recherche : 36

Personnel d'appui à la recherche : 8



• Impact of perinatal exposure to toxic environmental factors (pesticides) or physical factors (mobile telephony radiofrequencies, and thermal stress) on child health (sleep, thermoregulation, breathing, digestion, etc.).

• We study newborns, in vitro systems and in silico models in a complementary, coherent way.

• Risk exposure analysis

• Molecular & cell biology

• Integrated physiology,

• Use of innovative, stress- and/ or contact-free tools suited to the newborn’s body size and models that avoid unnecessary animal or human experiments (e.g. an artificial intestine and a thermal mannequin).

Example(s) of projects

1. GOLIAT 5G project expOsure, causaL effects, and rIsk perception through citizen engAgement
European project funded under the call "Exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF) and health (HORIZON-HLTH-2021-ENVHLTH-02-01) Budget: 8M€ 21 partners from 12 countries.

2. HBM4EU Project: European Human Biomonitoring Initiative
H2020 SOCIETAL CHALLENGES - Health, demographic change and well-being (2017-2022)
Budget: €75m. Partners: 26 countries, approximately 130 partners.

3. ANSES PNR-EST "EXSOCAR" project: Study of the effects of 5G exposure on sleep, thermoregulation and cardiovascular function.
National Environment, Health and Work Research Program (ENR EST) Radio Frequency and Health 2021-2024 Project
Budget: 200 k(E). Partners: PériTox (holder), PlatAnn Platform (UPJV), Stéphane Tanguy (Equipe Preta, University of Grenoble), Giovanna Zoccoli (PRISM Team, University of Bologna).

4. ANSES PNR-EST “NeuroPrem-RF” project: “Impact of chronic exposure to radio-frequency electro-magnetic fields on the neurophysiological development of premature newborns”.
National Environment, Health and Work Research Program (ENR EST) Radio Frequency and Health Research Project - 2018-2021
Budget: €248 K; Partners: PériTox (holder), CHU Amiens-Picardie.

5. NEUROPHYTO Project; Neurodevelopmental Effects Assessment of Prenatal and Postnatal Exposure to Plant Protection Products
ECOPHYTO APR project "Plant protection products: from exposure to impacts on human health and ecosystems" (2020 - 2023)
Budget €400k. Partners: Ineris (holder); Luxembourg Institute of Health; IRSET-INSERM; UDP-INSERM

6. ThermoK4Preterm Interregional PHRC Project: Premature Babies in Incubators: Automated Heat Control in a Randomized Trial – Improved Weight Growth and Reduced Morbidity.
Demonstration of the benefit in the premature of the use of an incubator tuning software, «PRETHERM», developed by the team in a previous project funded by the National Research Agency (ANR).
Interregional Clinical Research Hospital Program
Budget: €281 K; Partners: PériTox (holder), CHU Amiens-Picardie and 5 other regional hospital structures.

Example(s) of publications

1. Comment on "metformin-related lactic acidosis with acute kidney injury: results of a French observational multicenter study". Lalau JD, Bennis Y, De Broe M.Clin Toxicol (Phila). 2019 Dec 2:1. 🡭

2. Determination of maternal and foetal distribution of cis- and trans-permethrin isomers and their metabolites in pregnant rats by liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). Personne S, Marcelo P, Pilard S, Baltora-Rosset S, Corona A, Robidel F, Lecomte A, Brochot C, Bach V, Zeman F.
Anal Bioanal Chem. 2019 Dec. 🡭

3. Environmental radiofrequency electromagnetic field levels in a department of pediatrics. Besset D, Selmaoui B, Tourneux P, Leke A, Delanaud S, de Seze R, Stephan Blanchard E.. Environ Res. 2019 Nov 6. 🡭

4. Real-world evidence of tofacitinib effectiveness and safety in patients with refractory ulcerative colitis. Lair-Mehiri L, Stefanescu C, Vaysse T, Laharie D, Roblin X, Rosa I, Treton X, Abitbol V, Amiot A, Bouguen G, Dib N, Fumery M, Pariente B, Carbonnel F, Peyrin-Biroulet L, Simon M, Viennot S, Bouhnik Y.
Dig Liver Dis. 2019 Nov 12. 🡭

5. Effects of co-exposure to 900 MHz radiofrequency electromagnetic fields and high-level noise on sleep, weight, and food intake parameters in juvenile rats.
Bosquillon de Jenlis A, Del Vecchio F, Delanaud S, Bach V, Pelletier A.
Environ Pollut. 2020 Jan.. 🡭

All publications can be found here : 🡭

Collaborations/Partners/Scientific clients

National : Artois ULCO France, Université de Grenoble, France.

International : Western australia university Perth Australie , Monash university Hudson institute of medical research Melbourne Australie, Université de Bologne Italie.

Collaborations/Partners/Private Clients

Médipréma, Décathlon, Terre de Marins, Sebac

Services offers

Services provided

We provide services according to our expertise (Thermal, Electro-Magnetic Fields).

Training offers

Training of the Institute of Health Engineering (2IS, UFR de Médecine, UPJV) in particular in the "Management of Health, Safety and Environment at Work" sector, as well as in the "Health, Safety and Environment" IUT (Creil, UPJV). Toxicology Training (Ineris Formation).

Consulting services

We provide consulting services according to our expertise.


Peritox has different technical platforms. Four are in Amiens (premature newborn, thermal mannequin, artificial intestine and animal experiments); they are managed by an experimental engineering engineer and a biological analysis technician.

Check out the equipment list here: 🡭

Biological materials

Rat experiments (juveniles and adults)


Affiliated institutions / organisations

Doctoral schools

Regional strategic areas of activity

  • Chemistry and Materials
    • Organic chemistry
  • Health and Nutrition
    • Food ingredients
    • Medicine of the future: new health equipment and e-health
    • New therapeutic approaches