• Cultural and creative industries
  • Digital World and Robotics
  • Energy and Environment
  • Transport and Mobility

Opal Coast Computer, Signal and Image Laboratory (LISIC)

Research unit - EA 4491


LISIC develops research activities in information science and technology and more specifically in the fields of computer science and signal processing.


  • Sébastien Verel


50 rue Ferdinand Buisson
Maison de la Recherche Blaise Pascal
62228 Calais


Opal Coast Computer, Signal and Image Laboratory


Effectif total : 77

Personnel de recherche : 47

Personnel d'appui à la recherche : 3



• Expertise in signal analysis (hyperspectral image, sonar, etc.)
• Satellite positioning and navigation expertise (GPS, Galileo, Glonass, etc.)
• Expertise in multi-sensor perception systems
• Knowledge of image synthesis methods
• Optimization of complex systems (industrial, natural, ecosystems, urban, etc.)
• Machine Learning and Knowledge Engineering

Collaborations/Partners/Scientific clients

• Universities : Lille, Valenciennes, Paris, Le Havre
• Institutes : CIRAD, INRIA Lille - Nord Europe, IFREMER, INRAe, IFFSTAR

Université du Kent (Grande-Bretagne),Trinity College (Irlande), Université Gaston Berger (Sénégal), Université du Sussex (Grande- Bretagne), Curtin University of Technology (Australie), Université libanaise - Faculté de Génie (Liban), Université d’Abomey-Calavi (Bénin)

Services offers

Services provided

We provide services according to our skills

Consulting services

We provide consulting services according to our skills


• Vehicle equipped with on-board sensors (geolocation, inertial center, magnetometer, odometer, lidar, telescopic mast, etc.)
• Underwater Tracking System (hydrophones, transducers, integrated acoustic transmitter/receiver beacon, light boat)
• Instrumented drones
• Hyperspectral cameras
• Terrain restitution materials (virtual reality headsets, stereoscopic displays)
• Mixed reality cabin, operating on the principle of a retro-reflector projection
• Units of intensive computing


Affiliated institutions / organisations

Regional strategic areas of activity

  • Cultural and creative industries
    • Tourism, heritage and digital world
  • Digital World and Robotics
    • Artificial intelligence, image processing, data science
    • Digital modeling, digital twins, data visualization
    • Engineering, software design, open source software
    • Internet of things, cloud computing and big data
    • Robotics, cobotics, Human-Machine interaction
    • Telecom, networks, photonics
  • Energy and Environment
    • Smart grids
  • Transport and Mobility
    • Intelligent and autonomous vehicles