• Health and Nutrition
  • Societal and economic transition & Risk management

Laboratory of sociology, history, education, representations, practices and sports activities

Research team - None


Our work currently addresses the role of Physical and Sports Activities (PSA) and Physical and Sports Education (PSE) in the creation and/or deconstruction of social ties. We seek to understand the extent to which PSA and PSE nourish, weaken, prevent, degrade, or reinforce the constitution of the two ingredients of identities that are recognition and protection of individuals or groups. More specifically, we are interested in situations of vulnerability (physical, social, economic, psychological). Therefore, numerous studies address the improvement of living conditions of people in vulnerable situations (due to health indicators below the standards, sedentary lifestyle, reduced access to educational and professional achievements...). We are open to all academic and industrial collaborations and propose services in line with our expertise.


  • Williams Nuytens


Chemin du Marquage
Faculté des sports et de l'éducation physique
62800 LIEVIN



Effectif total : 26

Personnel de recherche : 15

Personnel d'appui à la recherche : 1



• Behavioural regulation
• Social change through physical activity and sport, through physical education and sport

Example(s) of projects

• Improved PSA penetration rates among socially vulnerable and sedentary populations

Example(s) of publications

• Szalárdy, O., Tóth, B., Farkas, D., Hajdu, B., Orosz, G., & Winkler, I. (accepted for publication). Who said what? The effects of speech tempo on target detection and information extraction in a multi-talker situation: An ERP and functional connectivity study. Psychophysiology.
• NUYTENS Williams, PENIN Nicolas, DUVANT Grégoire, « Les pleins pouvoirs ? Eléments de sociologie des arbitres de football en France, Déviance et Société, vol. 44, n°1, 83-110, 2020.
• DUVANT Grégoire & NUYTENS Williams, « Ce que la télévision peut faire aux arbitres », Revue Française des Sciences de l’Information et de la Communication, 17, 2019.2020, “Sociology of sports organizations. A general perspective, limits and views in France”, SPORT IN SOCIETY, VOLUME 18, N°1
• HONTA M., BASSON, J.-C. et SALLÉ, L. (2015) The fight against physical inactivity at the local level. Urban governance et fragile partnerships, Journal of sport and health, vol. 6, 1, pp. 7- 17.
• FRENKIEL S., CORNATON J. et BANCEL N., « Les « kings » de l’athlétisme handisport français. Eléments pour la prosopographie d’une élite paralympique (1964-2014) », Histoire Sociale - Social History, Volume XLIX, n° 100, 2016, pp. 625-651.

See the complete list of publications here.

Collaborations/Partners/Scientific clients

Université Paris-Saclay, Université de Stanford (Etats-Unis)

Collaborations/Partners/Private Clients

National UFOLEP, Rebonds Association, urban communities

Services offers

Applications sectors

  • Health / wellness
  • Education / Training
  • Sports / Leisure
  • Science / Research

Services provided

• Characterizations, understandings and explanations of social problems related to PSAs
• Construction of social change protocols

Training offers

• Methodology for measuring organizational effectiveness

Consulting services

We provide consulting services related to all our areas of expertise.


We do not offer access to any equipment.


Affiliated institutions / organisations

Unit(s) of attachment

Regional strategic areas of activity

  • Health and Nutrition
  • Societal and economic transition & Risk management