Decision-making (LEM)
Research team - UMR 9221
The work of the members of this department aims to inform decision-making in the public and private sectors. This axis includes theoretical, applied and empirical work that are grouped into three thematic research teams. The Operations Research & Organizations Performance team studies the effectiveness of public or private organizations. The group covers topics such as operations management, supply chains and transportation systems, productivity analysis, mathematical programming and business analysis. The Risks and Decisions team analyzes decisions and behaviours in situations of complex risk and uncertainty. The analyses are applied to various fields, including the environment and health. The Public Policies team includes researchers who mobilize many economic methods (theoretical, applied, econometric and experimental economics) to analyze and inform public decision-making on political economy issues, public, space, transport, education, health, etc.
Université de Lille, Campus Cité scientifique, Bâtiment SH2
Innovation and entrepreneurial phenomena
Analysis and performance of business models
Analysis of risk behaviour
Public decision-making
Applications sectors
- Science / Research