Cultural and creative industries
Societal and economic transition & Risk management
Centre for the History of Societies, Sciences and Conflicts (CHSSC)
Research unit - UR 4289
The Centre for the History of Societies, Sciences and Conflicts was formed from a centre grouping
together lecturer-researchers in history. It has opened up to researchers from other disciplines (philosophers, historians of science, psychologists, geographers, doctors, etc.) to work in a transdisciplinary manner, in particular on questions of conflict, and especially warlike conflicts, notably the First World War.
The CHSSC has become a reference centre in France
on this issue, working in symbiosis with the Historial Great War research centre in Péronne (Historial de la Grande Guerre), without neglecting the conflicts of other eras (for example those of the modern era). It is also, in the French university landscape, an important centre for the history and epistemology of science. Several of its researchers have been or are members of the French University Institute (Institut Universitaire de France).
Marie-France Thibaut
Secretary -
Philippe Nivet
10 rue des Français Libres
Pôle Citadelle - Maison de la Recherche - E236
80080 AMIENS
Effectif total : 59
Personnel de recherche : 34
Personnel d'appui à la recherche : 0
• Practices of exploration of the body,
• Images and imaginaries of the body
• Therapeutic practices and the history of diseases
• Practices of narration in medicine.
Area 2: Individuals and the socio-political body
• Physical body: individuals and solidarity,
• Social body: Violence, justice and social regulation,
• Political body: politicization and representation (Formation of the political body and its articulation to the narrower circles of solidarity. It questions the politicization of society through the study of its legal representatives, such as parliamentarians.
Area 3: Conflicts
• Gender and generations at war;
• Societies and states at war;
• Enduring war: trauma and violence in war;
• Telling the war: arguments and representations.
Example(s) of projects
2. Changes in the relationship to work in the process of agricultural modernization: What impasses, what alternatives? Occupational Health Clinical Interventions»
Project led by Philippe Spoljar
Funded by the Ministry of Labour and the Ministry of Agriculture as part of the research project «Mental health, work experiences, unemployment and precariousness» - 76,046 €
3. In 2018, on the occasion of the Centennial celebrations of the First World War, the members of the CHSSC participated in many events organized in Europe. They have collaborated on numerous research projects and facilitated international conferences.
On November 9, 2018, the commitment of the CHSSC was welcomed by the State: in the presence of the President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron, the Minister of Higher Education, Research and Innovation Frédérique Vidal, the President of the University of Picardy Jules Verne and the President of the International Research Centre of the Historial of the Great War (CIRHGG)- based in Péronne - signed a convention.
This framework document, accompanied by funding of €390,000, allows the UPJV, via the CHSSC and the CIRHGG, to continue research on the history of the Great War after the end of the Centenary.
This signature reflects the recognition by the State of the quality of research on 1914-1918 conducted within the CHSSC. This quality is also recognized, on a daily basis, by the prizes regularly awarded to the researchers of the unit.
Example(s) of publications
2. Guerres et paix civiles de l'Antiquité à nos jours Olivia Carpi (dir.). 🡭
3. La guerre et les femmes, juillet 2018. Dir.: Jean BAECHLER, Marion TRÉVISI. 🡭
4. Emmanuelle Cronier « Les jardiniers de Salonique » - Isaure Boitel « la chevauchée fantastique de Louis XIV » - in Sylvain Venayre (dir.) Paris théâtre des opérations, Le Seuil, 2018. 🡭
5. Les français dans les batailles de la Somme 1916-1918 Sous la direction de Philippe Nivet. 🡭
All publications can be found here : 🡭
Collaborations/Partners/Scientific clients
Services provided
Training offers
Consulting services
Affiliated institutions / organisations
Doctoral schools
Regional strategic areas of activity
- Cultural and creative industries
- New ways of learning
- Societal and economic transition & Risk management
- Public and European policies
- Resilience, risk factors and fragility
- Societal issues, employment, inclusion, social innovation
- Territories, heritage and culture